Just wanted to do a quick post tonight, as my goal was to update my blog every week. This does come a little late, but then again, so do I. (Those of you who know me well will agree.) I know they're not the most beautiful things in the world (nor is my photography--we'll work on that), but I did make them with the help of my friends Monica and Linda. We made them after Valentine's Day, but when isn't a good day for strawberries and chocolate?

There's no recipe, but if you really don't know how to make them, send me an email. Or better yet, look it up yourself. I really don't know how to make them, either. This was my first attempt. Still delicious, though.
They were delicious. My fav was the white chocolate. They were even better after being in the fridge for a bit.
They look amazing. Wish I could have tried one.
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